Considering a huge investment in COACH bags from a United States wholesale company you found online? THINK AGAIN.
COACH does NOT offer a wholesale program, a liquidation program, a closeout program or ANY other program that allows ANY business to purchase COACH handbags at "Wholesale". In fact, COACH has a team set up to find people "illegally" reselling their products and prosecute them!
The TRUTH is that legitimate sellers are NOT ALLOWED to advertise COACH, the name brand, the logo or even images of the bags online. In fact, we have to sign a contract stating that, in NO WAY will we advertise (online, in newsletters, email lists, advertisements, etc) COACH's trademarks. What this means for legitimate sellers? Well, basically if I buy wholesale handbags and some of them end up being COACH, I am stuck with them and my wife gets a nice Christmas gift. OR, if I have a physical location I can sell the bags there, but I can not ADVERTISE that I have COACH products. So, as an ONLINE reseller, I HATE getting anything COACH because it is basically worthless.
Now I am guessing you are thinking about the newsletter you are getting emailed to you from business that say "BUY OUR PALLETS OF COACH BAGS WHOLESALE!" - These listings are fraudulent. Report them to COACH here:
More notes:
COACH does NOT offer "purse parties"
COACH does NOT have "online auctions"
COACH is one of the top "counterfeited" (AKA: knocked-off) products. Chances are, you are buying FAKES. You can go to New Jersey, New York or Michigan and get knockoffs from "street vendors" - do NOT even consider that these products are authentic. Online scammers can take trips to these states and ship back thousands of bags then resell them to newbie buyers are legitimate products. THEY ARE NOT.
Looking for LEGITMATE places to purchase store returns, wholesale and liquidation? Check out my list of Verified Wholesale Companies in the United States that Export Merchandise.